Where to start on this post… Firstly I’m finally overseas again after quite the length of time being stuck in Australia (which in itself isn’t a bad thing). Since the last post I’ve been in a way between two jobs and my new role is now finally official. Thanks to the company I work for […]
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Seoul – Being lazy

Time for a bit more of a summary of whats going on. On Monday the aim was to explore the War Memorial here in Seoul and check out the main museum there was only one problem, both of these places are closed on Mondays and we didn’t find that out till we arrived at the […]
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Seoul – Where to begin

Well this post has been in the makings for a while so lets begin at the start. We landed into Gimpo Airport (a smaller airport then Incheon and a bit closer to the city) and made our way to the hotel. At the airport though we rented ourselves a 4G internet dongle which can support […]
Taipei – Out and about
Time for a two day update! So the weather here has lightened up a bit in terms of humidity thankfully but the temperature still remainsĀ the same but that we can live with. We have also worked out now the public transport system a bit better to get around Taipei (outside of Taipei is another […]
Japan – And finally, Hello Narita…
And here we are, the final stop and most of the way through it. The work I’ve been given to do is all but completed with a few minor tasks left to complete (one of which requires me to go shopping in Akihabara in Tokyo tomorrow). From the looks of things it may be possible […]
Japan – Almost over…
Well the Holiday is now almost over, less then 7 days and I begin working (still no idea on exact destination and how long but it definitely is in Japan). I’m in Kitakyushu now visiting what is my friends home town now and so far its quite nice. I spent quite a bit on clothes […]
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Japan – On temple watch
Quick post to put up some photos from Kyoto. Off to Kitakyushu tomorrow but will do some more temples in the morning after checking out of the hotel. Work wise it looks like I’ll be heading to Narita, Okanawa and Nagoya. No idea how much time I’ll get to post or get some photos but […]